Friday, December 18, 2015

When I reflect about my collegial, professional Learning Community

I. Patience in my perspectives allowing time to take it's course, although all impactful changes happened over time and those changes in the works will eventually come to pass, I am a firm believer that when one is focused on the process of something the results will not solely matter yet the experience indeed will.

II. Not marginalizing people due to the lack of information, each person is an individual and it is important that they experience learning in a safe, supportive learning community. No one person should be the spokes person for a group of inviduals. In honor of World Aids Awareness month I am reminded of  how people talk about Hiv/Aids and always reference Magic Johnson and label his status as the ideal situation, because he appears "cured" and looks healthy;yet everyones reality will not model his. Many ignore the facts that Mr. Johnson has been living with the virus for 22 years, his lifesyle includes regiments of excersing, clean eating and taking his medication.

III. Enabling families or systems to feel powerful and competent with knowledge . It is my belief in doing these things I will strengthen my skills in being a competent advocate for children and their families. This can be achieved through welcoming children and displaying respect for their families. As a child I would always look forward to my 3rd grade teacher standing in the doorway in the morning ready to greet each and every student by name, she smiled, gave high fives or pats on the back and made me feel excited about someone anticipating my arrival at school.

I strive to be a chapion for all children and their families. To fight with the gifts I have been given to speak up and out on behalf of those that struggle with doing so for themselves. It's a gift and a curse somethimes becuae there are times that the asistance can be taken as enabling however I view it as a fine line of gathering parents towards self suffiency.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

My Hypothetical Family Situation

Don't judge a book by it's cover, rang loudly in my ears as I sat on the floor in my bathroom with the pregnancy test in my hand and it read positive. On March 9 I found out I was pregnant. My life as a once knew it would forever be changed, a high school student, it's was my senior year i was ready to graduate, everyone always said i had a bright future ahead of me. Four mouths after finding out I was pregnant and the inital shock subsiding I not only found out the baby i was carrying was going to be a girl but would also be born with a birth defect called gastroschisis.

Gastroschisis is a birth defect of the abdominal (belly) wall. The baby’s intestines stick outside of the baby’s body, through a hole beside the belly button. The hole can be small or large and sometimes other organs, such as the stomach and liver, can also stick outside of the baby’s body.

Gastroschisis occurs early during pregnancy when the muscles that make up the baby’s abdominal wall do not form correctly. A hole occurs which allows the intestines and other organs to extend outside of the body, usually to the right side of belly button. Because the intestines are not covered in a protective sac and are exposed to the amniotic fluid, the bowel can become irritated, causing it to shorten, twist, or swell." (cdc, 2014
My belly grew larger and larger and my pregnany journey consisted of many doctor doctor appointments because of the baby's condition. There were so many test performed, I had to leave school early lots of times to make the doctor visits. While looking online at what to expect there were so many stories many in which scared me to read because i kept thinking what if my child's situation is worse.

In december I gave birth The defect was very complicated and no one knew how things would turn out. I remember the doctors letting me hold my precious baby and thinking all that i want to do was take the pain away from her.

Centers for Disease control and prevention (2014) Facts about Gastroschisis. Retrieved from

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Political will to improve Early Childhood Systems

First Lady Michelle Obama has used her position and stature publicizing to the public about the impact of raising a healthier generation of kids, through eating healthier, getting active, taking action, and joining in. 

To me it’s about taking your personal strengths and teaming up to make a difference, everyone has something that they can add to this society in making it a better place to live, especially for our young people. The pillars of the First Lady’s initiative consists of 

1. Creating a healthy start for children
2. Empowering parents and caregivers
3. Providing healthy food in schools
4. Improving access to healthy, affordable foods
5. Increasing physical activity 

In doing these things and creating bench marks to check status for sucessfulness it means it’s a step in the right direction of families making smarter food choice decisions and giving children long and lasting life style habits to show their children. What drives anyone to do something and be sucessful at it is passion. In the words of Harriet Tubman, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world”. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Parent family and community engagement

I watched the interview with Melinda George as she discussed the role of parents as teachers in the home and reaching goals.

      The professional and personal significance you drew from this story.

In listening to Melinda speak it sent chills up my spine in hearing how dedicated, ambitious and inspired she was to one believe in her self, second take flight to an opportunity presented to her by challenging herself to obtain numerous degrees. She is a shinning example of allowing a system to work in your favor, in that Mrs. George reaped the benefits of staying faithful and allowing all things to work together for good.
     Professionally, hearing Melinda's story has aided me by being reminiscent of the families that we serve and how they come from various situations and backgrounds and in some cases have gone through troubling times. Having a circle of support can make all the difference sometimes in giving a person the respect and honor individually. In addition to being encouraged by family, friends, and the community, through maintaining positive relationships.

Why involvement opportunities for parents and family members benefit young children, families,and the early childhood field.

Connecting home and school can be a challenging effort however not an impossible one. Keeping parents involved in the learning that happens at school will help aid in parents being more involved at home. Allowing for opportunities of getting the parents voices heard through parent meetings, and increasing volunteer hours to stay informed in the day to day operation of the child's center by doing so will allow parents to connect with other parents.

Creating action plans for parents by goal setting is beneficial in many ways it open up areas of opportunity for advancement with jobs, and education thus encouraging the child to go further in life and not give up when life's trials or tribulations become to tough.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Quality Programs for all Children

It was very insightful to see the various forms of systems. I particularly learned more about Kindergarten and its origin. In the multimedia presentation I was able to learn about public opinion regarding the value of quality early care and education programs for all children and how these opinions have evolved over the last 100 or more years. It has streamed from a focus on the children, their individual learning styles, emotional needs, and their individual families, interests and strengths to a focus on testing, assessing, and scoring young children, thereby ramping up the academic demands and pressures on them. 

In today's society the standards have changed, I can recall children doing half day programs and being able to take naps because the day was too long for a child to have to stay alert and maintain positive behavior throughout the entire day. There is a national push, related to the push for increased academics in Early Childhood classrooms, to cut play out of the kindergarten classroom.  Many kindergartens across the country no longer have sand tables, block areas, drama areas and arts and crafts centers.  This is a deeply ill-informed movement, as all early childhood experts continuously report that 4, 5 and 6 year olds learn largely through play.  Play is essential to healthy development and deep foundational learning at the kindergarten level. 

Programs are sprouting up more and more than ever before based off a inclination to service children and their families. Early Head Starts, home childcares, schools for the gifted etc. Accessibility to such programs are making it easier for parents to sign up and allow their children to be included. Transportation is being provided, breakfast, lunch and snack, some cover the use of diapers, wipes, and offer programs to educate parents. Acknowledging parents face many challenges one being in the "working poor" where they earn well above the official poverty line and still barely stay afloat and maintain a quality relationship with their children. 

 I wish that over the next five years parents take a greater stance in their children's education and begin the process in the home first and not simply wait until the child is of age to attend school and believe they will learn everything there is to know from school, yet their exposure will greatly be balanced from home and school. 
I believe there are many benefits to a shift taking place in the family dynamic.  Family cohesiveness will gear and set the tone of making these units closely bonded while reducing issues and the need of programs such as "scared straight", boot camps, jails, etc and an increase in mentoring programs, camps, and the ability to expose the youth to positive more rewarding experiences. 
Children's first teachers come from the home and what they are exposed too that can set the stage to all other possibilities. I recently read an article where a child shot and killed himself because the lack of education and awareness of a gun being inside of a vehicle and the child gained access to it. As adults we have a say in who our elected officials are and we have to rally together to do a better job at voting and making our voices heard which being involved and active in our children's lives will be impactful. 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

What Resonates With You About Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy?

Part 1: Why did you choose this specialization? 
“ Since it is virtually impossible for children to speak for  themselves regarding their health, education, emotional, and physical need, advocacy is a high priority among Early Childhood Professionals. ( Hemmiger, 2008). I remember initally deciding to enroll into graduate school and selecting my major and upon reviewing the list of options, It was clear to me that I love the work that I do in working with children and families. Everyday holds a new set of challenges, however the rewards of knowing that I am at the service to others, assisting them in their mobilizing efforts of gaining awarenss of topics, ridding generational curses of being the one left behind, and lastly, “promoting ideas and seeking resolutions that will affect children and families in a positive way  are always worth the reward. 
Part 2: Why are advocates essential in the early childhood field? 
My favorite qoute by Albert Einstein is “Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living” I whole heartly believe in this statement in all of my efforts to strengthen the areas of opportunity concerning children primarily in my community, yet not limiting my efforts to effect those far away. Everyone can be an advocate. An advocate is defined as “anyone that contributes to the betterment of others” (Kieff, 209). Generally “Early Childhood professionals are often the first to recognize a child’s or family’s need for assistance”( Kieff, 2009). I am reminded of a participant in a program, She was considered homeless venturing from couch to couch and staying where she could;this person was also a teen parent and in additon to finding a place to be able to call home had to struggle with balancing being a high school student and mom. An issue arose where the teen mom was not able to purchase her cap and gown to graduate and comunicated the need to me  I inturn was able to connect with someone who volunteered to pay the cost of the cap, gown and tassel just off the understanding of the hardship of the teen parent. 
Part 3: What do you hope to learn about public policy and advocacy? 
Iam hopeful that I will be able to “Identify strategies being used to influence the political will toward improving early childhood systems” ( Kieff, 2009) “Hypothesize about changing public opinion regarding the value of quality early childhood services for every child” ( Kieff, 2009) Lastly, I would like to gain better understanding of ways to apply a working knowledge of how I can contribute my efforts on a local, regional, or national level. 
Kieff, J. (2009). Informed Advocay in Early Childhood Care and Education. Making a Difference for Young Children and Families 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Collaborative Learning Community

Before enrolling into this course I thought I had a pretty good undertanding about what it means to communicate with someone else. It wasn't until I was forced to take another look at myself and the way I choose to communicate with others that I am able to realize some new things. For instance the value and importance in how communication is made with families, children and colleagues.

Communication has it's challenges as well "clearly effective communication is essential in all aspects of life, but we seldom get the guidance needed to develop the necessary skills associated with it". ( O'Hair, Wiemann, 2012) Working with non english speaking families i find myself trying to find creative ways to express information to them by using google translators, hand signals, pictures and repeating words i am comfortable with in spansish to the family.

I am often reminded of my favorite resturante to eat at, although the food is delious it always my experience that when i go in i am greeted with a warm and welcoming smile. We have small talk about my day and or week. It's even more warming when i call and order somehing different from my usual and the lady responds "oh, you're stepping outside of the box this time around" we laugh and say see you soon. I've notice that "Mona" does that for all of her customers.

Acknowledging that everyone's differences showcases various ways that they can impact another life. Commuication is such a beautiful thing because it encompasses "the process by which individuals use symbols, signs, and behaviors to exchange information"( O'Hair, Wiemann,2012)

It has been an absolute pleaure working alongside each and everyone of you. I've throughly enjoyed our disussions, providing me with increased knowledge to take with me on my continued journey.
As the days come to an end if there is any way possible i can be of asstance to any of you please do not hesitate to contact me. Best of luck to everyone.


O'Hair,D., Wiemann,M. Real Communication An Introduction (2012). Bedford/St. Martin's Boston. New York.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Team Building and Collaboration

Adjourning is an essential part of teamwork, because it dissolves the group signifying the end of an error. In undergrad the graduating class of 2011 came in four years earlier as young, inexperienced, some immature teenagers seeking a holistic college experience of overall personal and educational growth. Many of the students came to North Carolina from different cities, states and countries. Nervous  and unsure of what was to come the students; myself included created friendships, sister and brotherhoods through the Sororities and Fraternities and learning communities.
         Having some of the same professors and learning about others would have been one of my fondest memories about college. When it was time to graduate it was heartwarming to know that the  relationships/friendships created will last a life time. Facebook and other social media sites also aid in keeping the connections. The joyous time did not go without tears, Tears shed toward the time learning about self and who were going to be. Many of the individuals of my graduating class I'd attended campus functions with, rooted for in elections of all sorts; student government, dorms, majors , etc., and served on school committees alongside.
         The group of graduates were highly motivated to finish the year off strong. Encouraging others to friendly competitions of receiving what the school offered as Blue Bear Dollars, a student was able to utilize the fake money in the book store and shop for wanted or needed items, the distribution of the blue bear dollars came durning assemblies with the entire campus through the College President for good conduct, grades, achievements , etc.
         At the time of graduation many teams were shed from the group. However the promise of attending our school's Homecoming, which brings all past alums home in the fall. Proved to continue those memories while reflecting on the past ones. In completing my course work towards completing my Master's Degree I believe I will adjourn from my colleagues by sending well wishes while encouraging all the amazing things we've all learned. All the while keeping Graduation in sight and being able to put faces to the individuals names.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Resolving Conflict

I was seeking to have some cupcakes created for my boyfriend’s birthday and I did not just want any kind of cupcake these had to be “Pac-Man” themed, this task of finding someplace to create what I wanted appeared harder than I imagined. A co worker of mine suggest a place in which she loved and raved about. I contact the bakery explained my order and further followed up an emailed about the logistics. We emailed back and forth and I was told and assured it would be no problem to meet the need.

The day arrived and I went to pick up my order, extremely excited about the evening activities and being able to celebrate with the cupcakes. I looked over the cupcakes and was immediately disappointed; the icing was sloppy and they did not look anything like the picture I shared with the bakery. I was upset that the job was not completed to my liking and when the person at the bakery was made aware of my concern he apologized and made mention the cupcakes would not look exactly like the image and offered to remake them. Unfortunately I was under a time crunch and could not wait the time needed to redo new cupcakes. 

The only other alternative was suggested was to keep what I had or come back the next day because they were closing up the shop. The level of service was left a bad taste in my mouth and I know I will never order anything from the establishment again. 

Strategies’s I’ve learned that could have helped me resolve the conflict was 
  1. To pick up the order much earlier than I needed it.
  2. Ask for a picture of the finished product before picking up an order.
  3. Changing out what I was given with pre made cupcakes in the shop.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Similarities and Differences

In thinking about the similarities and differences between how I evaluated myself as a communicator and how others evaluated me I was able to signify things that surprised and highlight insights about communication I've learned. 

Listening style profile categorized me in group number one based off the assessment i took and the judgement of my boyfriend and sorority sister evaluated me on. I believe it is important to remain open minded and keep a sense of non shockability. I believe when i verbalize to my clients “you can’t say anything that i have not heard or will make your feel uncomfortable for telling me”.

Doing this helps me in my brain to be aware of anything that may come out. Often times the students desire a non judgmental ear to listen to their troubles. I am aware that time is important and I am aware to schedule orientation appointments far in between in the event time runs longer, and gives me time to drive to my next appointment with the safety factor of not rushing. Also while giving the family the time to express all that they wanted to share. 

Knowing one’s audience is important to realize, I sometimes feel nervous when presenting in front of teens parents because I am constantly taking in to account my visual aids,tone of voice, and movements and time talking to ensure active participation and engagement. My Colleague expressed she enjoys hearing me speak because my ideas are beneficial to all areas of the work that we do with children and families. 

After working out and eating healthy and looking in the mirror at results to getting on the scale and not seeing the exact change in pounds you may have though resulted in one’s efforts. Some times we can be extremely difficult critics on ourselves than others. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Carmichael Show

The show that I choose to watch is the Carmichael show which comes on NBC. The episode title was "Disorganized Religion" in this episode the setting is at a home with people sitting at the table talking. The members sitting at the table consists of 4 males and two females. The dynamics of the relations appear to be a father, mother, two sons, and a reverend. I watched the video without the volume and with it, by doing so i was able to gain more insight of the conversations.

Without the sound:
I viewed the individuals sitting at the table about to partake in a meal. The table was set formally, and a bottle of wine was present, everyone's cup was filled with water except for the Reverend he had wine in his. I inferred the type of role everyone played because of the Fathers character sat at the head of the table, the other gentle man sat on the other end. One of the young men that was sitting at the table when the scene began made me sense he and the young girl character was romantically involved. The girl would lean in very close when she needed to whisper something to the young man. As they sat at the table i observed the female character place wine in the cup of the gentleman that sat closest to her at the table, he must of asked for more drink because she again placed more in the cup, so much so that it almost ran over. The male leaned over without holding the cup and slurped the drink out. He then tucks his napkin inside the top of his shirt indicating he was ready for dinner.

The mom character with the assistance of another male which i believed to be her other son sat at the table with a ham. I observed the older man praying over the food, and the girl keeps her head up and eyes open while everyone else bowed their head and closed their eyes. It appears the Rev asks her some questions about why she didn't participate along with them by bowing her head and closing her eyes and saying Amen. She smiled uncomfortably and I saw her lips mouth Amen.

With the sound
Rev Carlson sat at the table telling a story about Moses in the bible, he mispronounces the name incorrectly and began add his own dialog to the story which wasn't from the bible. Rev Carlson stated to Maxine "More wine" in which she replied "oh no thanks " he proceeds to tell her "no for me" she added a couple of drops, he followed with keep it going until it almost spilled over. The Rev told maxine he want his cup to look like an infinity pool.

The mom (Cynthia) brings the main course the ham to the table and asks the Rev to pray over the food. Everyone at the table bows their heads and closes their eyes except Maxine. Rev Carlson ends the prayer with Let us all say Amen. Maxine remained quiet and the rev repeated let us all say amen. Maxine says " I thought it would be more respectful no to join in because i'm not christian, Amen".
Maxine expresses that she is Jewish and everyone around the table adds their commentary about her statement. Cynthia questions maxine stating of course your christian what else could you be? Rev Carlson comments "Jesus was a jew; look how that turned out".

The dialog around the table continued with Maxine stating her views on the subject and Cynthia ending the conversation by changing subjects.

Watching the same episode with the sound offered so much clarity and insight into the areas of the broadcast that i was not able to pick up on. I struggled with reading the characters lips, however some of the facial expressions helped bring some sense of understanding to the scenes. It solidified that we are very much guilty of misinterpreting thing that people say based of non verbal communication. In instances of the show there were some serious topics concerning race, religion, sin, drinking, lying, and perception shown in the episode.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Competent Communicator

I’ve never met President Obama or ever had the chance to be in his presence however in the event I was I would first like to give him a hug, secondly I’d like to sit and chat with him while racking his brain and asking all the questions imaginable. “It has been noted that President Obama possesses an ability to use oration to win the hearts and minds of listeners”. McGraw Hill, 2008

He has shown great skill in using key communication practices to inspire people, securing their loyalty and passionate support.   Together, these outstanding communication practices enabled Barack Obama to overcome obstacles that would have hindered another politician—his age, his race, his "exotic" name, his unconventional personal story—to become the president-elect of the United States. We have much to learn from him, as we see in the book Say It Like Obama (McGraw Hill, 2008)

My first inkling of knowing about him was seven years ago I was a college Sophomore, Aside from the fact this was the first election I would be able to be apart of I was so exited, I simply loved the idea that I could rally with other youth and register people in the community to vote and explain the concept of exercising your right to choosing the next leader of the free world.

I still remember hearing him on the TV, “his ability to use communication in all of its forms—from body language, to voice inflection, to gestures—to establish a strong first impression and to sustain that positive impression” and listening to how he encourage all to become apart of supporting the campaign even if you only had $5.00 send it and you’ve made all the difference in pledging your support.  

The day my classmates and I walked to our local voting areas and placed our ballots in Support of our 44th President of the United States of America was simply amazing and committed to my memory for years to come. I believe I’ll be able to share my experience with my children and describe what was going on, how I felt, and the history that was made.

I enjoy listening to President Obama speak on television I feel like his voice commands that you listen and it is my desire to give him respect. His words echo in the ears of the American people so much so that it is clear and concise about the direction he chooses to lead. It doesn’t matter the setting our present is in to know that he is a class act and portrays himself as a gentleman, family man and overall visionary. “It is through his ability to use communication to tear down barriers and build up bridges, focusing on areas of commonality that enable him to gain support from a diverse set of people”.  McGraw Hill, 2008


McGraw Hill, (2008) retrieved from

Shel Leanne (2008) The Communicative Power of Barack Obama: How He Became President-Elect  retrieved from


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Final Blog Assignment

Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for your professional and personal development 

Creating consistent, reliable contact with the International Contacts had it’s challenges, however working through by continuing to make repeated contact, widening the search of resources and acknowledging to classmates this was not a lone issue. 

Limited resources on calling directly to the organizations and hearing the individuals voices to
clarify questions and or seek further understand centered around topics. 

Being able to read updated information and view pictures on the Facebook page and website could have served as a beneficial resource instead the information present on the sites were severely out dated.

One goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations. 

Inspiring and mobilizing efforts on eradicating poverty through studying abroad programs by creating resources and funds for internships ,educational opportunities with renewed emphasis on cultural awareness. Similar to the opportunities created at Austin College students for an international experience, and support to the  students experiences with tangible resources. In order to enhance global learning in obvious and subtle ways, through faculty development, student scholarships, and infrastructure to support and coordinate programs and resources, including the creation of a Center for Global Learning that will promote cultural awareness among all Austin College students.Austin College (2014)

Page,O. Austin College. Quality Enhancement Plan (2014). Retrieved from www.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Getting to know your International Contacts-Part 3

I reviewed the UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education” webpage. The three new ideas or insights gained about issues related to international early childhood education are the use of a resources through The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and UNESCO’s Regional Office in Dakar. Launching the children's books centered on  “Childhood Cultures” through the experiences of the main characters Bouba and Zaza, the series seeks to develop life and socialization skills outside the family context among children aged 3 to 8. It is also aimed at older children, parents and teachers.  ADEA,UNESCO (2015) Partner organizations in Africa will facilitate 192 reading clubs and workshops to develop local authors capable of writing and publishing supplementary reading materials in local languages. ILA, (2015). The series covers topical subjects affecting the lives of African families that parents are sometimes reluctant to address. These include various topics such as war and conflict, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the issue of water resources and environmental protection. ADEA,UNESCO(2015).

There is an Interview section where articles are located, one in particular with Katerina Markelova, wrote "young people in the world, so different and so alike", Interview with Monique Coleman an advocate,singer, and actress whom high-lights how the internet gives young people a voice the main purpose of this show Monique created was to help young people see that even the people you look up to share similar interests and are basically the same, and to break stereotypes. 

Lastly, videos depicting A UNESCO project giving displaced youth in the Kurdistan region of Iraq fresh hope of going back to school or finding work through courses in literacy, English, computer and life skills as well as psychosocial support. 


International Literacy Association. Retrieved from

UNESCO. Media Services .

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sharing Web Resources

I searched online for any websites that remotely had anything to do with the childcare facility, unfortunately what I found was a Facebook page, that hadn't been updated since 2009. Another site was on the Bahamas visiting site which gave a description of the program, which detailed that "This unique school is an option for parents who wish for their children to learn Spanish at a very young age.The school is designed for children ages 1-6 who have no prior knowledge of the Spanish language; it incorporates those who have been exposed to it, and those who speak it. “Chicos Felices”, is a community based program on learning and fun. Bahama Local (2015)
 In scanning the centers Facebook page I was able to see pictures of the children/staff and some activities they've participated in such as Community helper week; during that time community members were brought into the center and discussed their roles. It's important to bring this kind of awareness to the children because exposure leads to imagination and offers children avenues to pursue careers of their desires. 
I noticed a few differences in the classrooms in the site verse classrooms here in the States. From a couple of the photos I noticed items like clorox wipes out and within a child's reach, chords exposed and hanging freely which can cause a tripping hazard. Lastly, the children's art work appeared to be "ditto sheets" limiting the creativity of the process rather expecting the product. There wasn't an option to sign up for a newsletter however I did add the page. 

In thinking about the topic equity and excellence i believe it begins with offering children the absolute best start possible. Doing so needs to be in a space that is safe, enriched with age appropriate materials  and surrounded by educators willing to go the extra mile to see that this happens. 

Chicos Felices. retrieved from.

Bahamas local. com retrieved from.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Getting to know your international Contacts-Part 2

I chose the podcast alternative, Harvard University’s “Global Children’s Initiative”  for this weeks assignment. Through exploring the site I was able to acquire knowledge about  the work and effort placed in knowing the importance of  protecting children from the biological consequences of significant adversity, in addition to providing them with enriched learning opportunities. Investments in the early childhood years are critical building blocks for lifelong health promotion and disease prevention, not just strategies to enhance school readiness.(Center on the developing child Harvard University, 2015)
In it's six year existence the Global Children's Initiative has sought out to  provide all children with the necessary tools to a successful future, through investing in economic productivity, positive health outcomes, and strong civil society of all nations—from the poorest to the most affluent. ( Center on the developing child Harvard University, 2015) This type of acknowledgement proves to children everywhere they hold value and it will not matter where their start was it's not a determining factor of one's end.  Center on the developing child Harvard University, 2015) 
A program of Grand Challenges Canada, Saving Brains seeks to improve outcomes for children living in poverty in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America. It is through interventions that nurture and protect early brain development in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life. Its activities work to support the lifelong health of children and provide selected countries with a strategy to help break the cycle of poverty.  Center on the developing child Harvard University, 2015)   
Another, building a unified science of child development to explain the early roots of lifelong health, learning, and behavior in Brazil came through the Núcleo Ciência Pela Infância (NCPI) which seeks to translate and communicate science effectively to inform the public around issues that affect children and families while preparing in science of healthy development in the design and implementation of innovative policies and programs that reduce preventable disparities and promote greater well-being for all Brazilian children. 
Lastly, GCI has provided support to the Center's Harvard-affiliated faculty members who are working closely with researchers and institutions in low- and middle-income countries around the world, including in Chile, China, Sierra Leone, and Zambia. Funding the work of these professionals ensures productive outcomes in seeking a much happier, productive and long lived future for children and families everywhere.  
Through the reading i've gathered the purpose in the strategies of the Global children's initiative which are to reduce biological and environmental risk factors in the lives of women and their children. Doing so can simultaneously reduce child mortality, improve developmental outcomes, build human capital, and reduce widespread poverty throughout the world. ( Center on the developing child Harvard University, 2015)
Center on the Developing Child Harvard University, (2015). Global children's Initiative. Retrieved from 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Getting to know your international Contacts-part 1

I choose the podcast alternative because communication has not been successful in receiving a response back from my contact I have followed up with my contact unfortunately, no luck has been made in that I haven't received a response back. 

I. Does money affect children's outcomes?
Unicef's website has offered great insight on childhood poverty, and some insight that i've found resourceful has been does money affect children's outcomes, Yes. In short, very strong evidence that money does matter: children from lower-income households have worse outcomes in part because they are poorer, not just because poverty is correlated with other household and parental characteristics. Low income affects direct measures of children’s well-being and development, including their cognitive ability, achievement and engagement in school, anxiety levels and behavior. Stewart,Cooper(2013)

II. Nutrition in Early Childhood insight from rural Ethiopia.
In the developing world a quarter of all children are underweight. The wealthiest children in the study are still incredibly poor by global standards, living in households who have far less than a Dollar a day to spend. However, their outcomes at age 5 are significantly better than poorer children, even if they were underweight in the first year of their lives. We take from this that even small improvements in living standards can increase a child’s chances of catching up from stunting or malnutrition in the early years. In particular, investments in sanitation and water appear to have large payoffs. Porter (2013)

III.Child development and economic development: lessons and future. 

It is not economic growth per se, or the level of that growth, that matters for children, but rather the nature or quality of growth. Policymakers concerned to improve children’s well-being need to better consider how to convert economic growth into social change that benefits poor children and their families.  Developing effective child-focused policies requires adequate infrastructure and funding, and good technical design. More than this, however, it demands:  understanding the mechanisms through which biases and exclusion are perpetuated for particular groups, and the ways that these mechanisms change over time more pro-poor growth concentrating on broad socio-economic development at the same time as investing in disadvantaged groups. Boyden,Dercon (2012)



Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sharing Web Resources

I emailed a director a series of questions I had about the program in which she provides services for. I do not have access to call the location directly seeing how it's in the Bahamas.

Good Afternoon,

My name is Ebony O'neal and I am a Graduate Student at Walden University. I am currently in a course called Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education. I have a series of questions I am hoping you could help me answer. 

If you would be so kind in answering my questions I'd greatly appreciate it.

1. What types of races do the children in attendance identify with?
2. What types of programs are offered for parents? (for example, classes to teach English, parent meetings)
3. Does your site have a newsletter? if so where can I access it ( email, online)
4. What problems have you seen represented by the families of the children? (lack of finances to send child to school, parents lack of education preventing child from going)
5. Are there payment plans available if a parent has a sudden job loss and can't afford tuition?  
6. Is there an option for a child to come to school without the uniform?
7. How are teachers recruited to work at this establishment?
8. In the event enrollment is low for a particular school year how does that affect the rest of the year?
9. Does the school offer any cultural activities for it's families?
10. Is there anything you'd like to share with me to learn more about your program?

Thank you so much for replying.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1:

I desire to find more information about a program called Chicos Felices which is located in Nassau Bahamas.  

This unique school is an option for parents who wish for their children to learn Spanish at a very young age.

The school is designed for children ages 1-6 who have no prior knowledge of the Spanish language; it incorporates those who have been exposed to it, and those who speak it.

“Chicos Felices”, is a community based program on learning and fun.

Through a hands on learning environment along with the abeka curriculum, the children gain the necessary pre-reading skills which makes them proficient in the English language.

Jointly, they are introduced to the Spanish language through conversational activities, at this precise period; the once in a life time crucial age, for the acquisition of a second language, the pre-school age. Children learn Spanish the natural way, through hearing, doing, repeating and playing.

Altogether, the exposure to a second language, motivational and fun learning

Activities will aim to discover his/her linguistic abilities, develop his/her cognitive capabilities, and aim for the development of the whole child.

Charges Tuition: 300.00 a month *10 (months)= 3,000 
Uniforms: 45.00 a set (shirt and pants)
Lunch is not provided, nor snacks.

Chicos Felices - Nassau - Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2015, from

Part 2:
ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development. 

Once on the page you are greeted with "Early Experiences matter" the website has much to offer including easy to read wording, pictures of children, Resources for teachers, and parents. I observed training opportunities to sign up for. Lastly, the site provided an opportunity for it's views to find out updated information happening worldwide as well in their communities. 
