Friday, December 23, 2011

Final Thoughts and Thanks!

 Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."~ Melody Beattie

 The above quote said all I needed it too. Fellow colleagues, thank you for allowing me a glimpse into your professional lives. I've enjoyed our discussions and various opinions on topics relating to children. Our time in class has proved to be an eye opener; exposing me to resources and ideas I'd never considered before. As we progress through our journeys here at Walden I would just like to wish you all much success! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Examining Codes of Ethics

I-1.10—To ensure that each child’s culture, language,
ethnicity, and family structure are recognized and
valued in the program. 

It is important that we as educators recognize this ideal because each child that enters into our classrooms are unique. There families are sending them off blindly not knowing the end result, simply hoping and believing they’ll come back having learned something new, a skill, or task that wasn’t embedded before they left that morning. Incorporating a child’s family life or situation can potentially ensure that child’s success. Parent’s are able to bring history into the classroom through giving first hand attempts at having the children’s parents show pictures or read story on the particular topic. In classrooms that have a variety of items in it help the development of a child. Ways in which diversity can be implanted are through having the children’s pictures visible throughout the room, providing a variety of books on topics that are geared toward color, culture and race. 

I-2.1—To be familiar with the knowledge base related to
working effectively with families and to stay informed
through continuing education and training.

In many situations in dealing with children I’ve had to rely on my expertise of knowledge because I do not have children at this time. I’ve decided to continue on striving towards the mark by obtaining my Master’s Degree. It was Martin Luther King, Jr. who said The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.

I-3A.1—To establish and maintain relationships of
respect, trust, confidentiality, collaboration, and cooperation with co-workers.

Parents will be much more supportive of you and helpful disciplining their children if you contact them as soon as a problem starts. Keep them updated on their child's progress. Most kids just need to know what their boundaries are!
Keep parents informed regularly of what you are doing in class. They really do appreciate this and it helps with parent-teacher communication
Get to know parents and students ahead of time. Teachers should get a list of the parent’s names about two weeks before school starts; and sending the students and parents a "Welcome to my class. I can't wait to meet you postcard." It does wonders for opening communication lines!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Additional Resources

1. Creating Teaching Tools for Young Children with Challenging Behavior

2. Principles of Parenting:
Am I Spoiling My Child?

EX-0718 Reprinted July 2006. Ellen Abell, Extension Specialist, Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Auburn University.

3.Learning disabilities and ethnicity: achieving cultural competence by Jean O’Hara


Resource Section

Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Teaching is rewarding, it makes me feel whole and creative, it's become my life long work- early childhood education".

"Passion, to make sure all children work hard in environments and ways that truely nurture their ability to grow and develop to their fullest ability"
- Louise Derman-Sparks
Professor Emeritus
Pacific Oaks College, Ca

"Its not all about you; you have to take your ego out to figure out what's best for the child"
-Renatta M. Cooper
Program Specialist
Office of Childcare
LA county of Cheif Administrative Office

Quotes from significant contributors to the Early Childhood feild

"Preparing young people for success in life is not just a moral obligation of society" but also an "economic imperative."- Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education

"The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist."-Maria Montessori

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web

Five people that have influenced me as a child:
1. Mother- Has influenced me not to limit myself when obstacles come my way. I've learned through her guidance to make things my stepping stone and continue to press forward toward the mark of achieving my goals.
2. Sister- Tiffany (she is my oldest sister) She is the epiphany of a fine young woman. Tiffany and I are seven years apart and we are extremely close. We talk on the phone roughly everyday or every other day. She is one person I feel confident in talking too, she’s always there to listen, whether I ask for her opinion or not she ready to give one. I value the time were able to spend together because it’s not often I am able to go to New York to visit.  
3. Mrs. Alaya- She was the school counselor, I could go in and talk to her about anything, her spirit was so warm and inviting. I felt like she didn’t' judge me or any of the situations I was in or facing.
4. Mrs. Nettleton- was my favorite elementary school teacher; I was so lucky to able to have her in the fourth and fifth grade. She was one of the sweetest people I thought I'd ever meet. I could always count on her standing besides her door in the morning with such a bright, warm smile; it was something about her and her teaching style that made me  love coming to school!
5. Bobbie Jean Jones (my nana): She managed to teach me a lesson in the simplest tasks. We could be sitting at a stop light and she's share information about years prior the stop light wasn't in the same location and how the town has changed so much throughout the course of time. Or she'd share the importance of not walking in front of the stove while baking a cake- it will sink inward in the middle.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Favorite Children's book

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Children are able to learn about their colors, counting, and a countless variety of yummy treats the caterpillar ate through.