Saturday, March 24, 2012

Childhood Connections to Play

"It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them." Leo Buscaglia

"Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn't taste good" Lucia Capocchione

easy-bake-oven.jpg Easy Bake Oven 

lens14716461_1288049903baby-alive-learns-to-pott.jpg Baby Alive 

As a child I can remember wanting to play outside allay long rain or shine. We were never bored,each day proved for new adventures and things to get into. Growing up with 3 siblings, cousins and tons of neighbors aided us in having plenty of people to play with. We used nature as our instruments, the block we lived on was our back yard. Creating muddies and riding bike and goat carts were some of my favorite past times. I can recall learning some of my best lessons in life playing, when the street light came on that told us it was time to retire home; and once inside I remember my mom would always say you smell like the outdoors. The parents of the children I hung around were very supportive of our overall learning teaching us math through cooking, reading during our special "outdoor" movie shows. It was simply the best, some days reflecting back on my childhood makes me miss it. The issues children face today, such as the increase in technological advances makes it a little difficult and more enticing to be inside than outdoors, fears of children being kidnapped, and or assaulted. I'm sure these issues were relevant when I was a child in the back of my parents minds however we weren't stressed with those we simply enjoyed ourselves and left the worrying to our parents. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are what make us. They help us to create bonds with individuals and they help us build trust and develop the roles of people in your life. They shape and mode who you can be with that person. When the factors that serve to be most important are broken we have to learn to rebuild. Sometimes it's easier to be said then done, but if it's truly important those involved will fine ways to reconnect. My relationships I have encountered have aided my growth into adulthood and have softened my heart to believe in second chances, we don't always get things right the first time and sometimes it's simply takes a do over to be successful.


My Grandmother and I @ graduation May 2011
This picture is very special to me, because it is the last picture she and I took together. My grandmother passed away seven months later. She was very important to me and a huge influence in my life. One of my biggest fans and supporters. She was so proud that I decided to go away to college and follow my dreams and teach young children. In some small way I believe she felt like i was living out some of her dreams.  I am often reflective of her and all she's taught me about life, love of family, and cooking. "you may not always get along with them(family) but you have to just love them" Some how any issue could be solved through a warm plate and hug.  


My parents
This is a picture of myself, mom, and dad at college graduation.
Although growing up my parents did not live together. I was able to be surrounded by unconditional love. My mother has embodied all the characteristics of a woman that I continue to strive to be. She's strong in her abilities to overcome hardships and adversity. Never one to do things for the attention and or recognition of other; yet has a unbelievable passion for people and those she encounters. Our relationship is that of a positive one, we communicate often about me being younger. I love how our conversations have evolved to accommodate my being older.  My father, our relationship hasn't always been a positive one. There was distance in between us for a long time, and some unresolved feelings of anger and trust plagued us. However, time was simply the best thing that happened for us; it allowed maturity to set in and communication to unfold which things aren't always perfect but i've learned to forgive and give people a chance.