Saturday, November 7, 2015

Quality Programs for all Children

It was very insightful to see the various forms of systems. I particularly learned more about Kindergarten and its origin. In the multimedia presentation I was able to learn about public opinion regarding the value of quality early care and education programs for all children and how these opinions have evolved over the last 100 or more years. It has streamed from a focus on the children, their individual learning styles, emotional needs, and their individual families, interests and strengths to a focus on testing, assessing, and scoring young children, thereby ramping up the academic demands and pressures on them. 

In today's society the standards have changed, I can recall children doing half day programs and being able to take naps because the day was too long for a child to have to stay alert and maintain positive behavior throughout the entire day. There is a national push, related to the push for increased academics in Early Childhood classrooms, to cut play out of the kindergarten classroom.  Many kindergartens across the country no longer have sand tables, block areas, drama areas and arts and crafts centers.  This is a deeply ill-informed movement, as all early childhood experts continuously report that 4, 5 and 6 year olds learn largely through play.  Play is essential to healthy development and deep foundational learning at the kindergarten level. 

Programs are sprouting up more and more than ever before based off a inclination to service children and their families. Early Head Starts, home childcares, schools for the gifted etc. Accessibility to such programs are making it easier for parents to sign up and allow their children to be included. Transportation is being provided, breakfast, lunch and snack, some cover the use of diapers, wipes, and offer programs to educate parents. Acknowledging parents face many challenges one being in the "working poor" where they earn well above the official poverty line and still barely stay afloat and maintain a quality relationship with their children. 

 I wish that over the next five years parents take a greater stance in their children's education and begin the process in the home first and not simply wait until the child is of age to attend school and believe they will learn everything there is to know from school, yet their exposure will greatly be balanced from home and school. 
I believe there are many benefits to a shift taking place in the family dynamic.  Family cohesiveness will gear and set the tone of making these units closely bonded while reducing issues and the need of programs such as "scared straight", boot camps, jails, etc and an increase in mentoring programs, camps, and the ability to expose the youth to positive more rewarding experiences. 
Children's first teachers come from the home and what they are exposed too that can set the stage to all other possibilities. I recently read an article where a child shot and killed himself because the lack of education and awareness of a gun being inside of a vehicle and the child gained access to it. As adults we have a say in who our elected officials are and we have to rally together to do a better job at voting and making our voices heard which being involved and active in our children's lives will be impactful. 

1 comment:

  1. Ebony,
    Great post. You mentioned the large variety of early childhood options that families can use. Do you feel that limiting them might make a difference in the quality of care?
