Saturday, July 4, 2015

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1:

I desire to find more information about a program called Chicos Felices which is located in Nassau Bahamas.  

This unique school is an option for parents who wish for their children to learn Spanish at a very young age.

The school is designed for children ages 1-6 who have no prior knowledge of the Spanish language; it incorporates those who have been exposed to it, and those who speak it.

“Chicos Felices”, is a community based program on learning and fun.

Through a hands on learning environment along with the abeka curriculum, the children gain the necessary pre-reading skills which makes them proficient in the English language.

Jointly, they are introduced to the Spanish language through conversational activities, at this precise period; the once in a life time crucial age, for the acquisition of a second language, the pre-school age. Children learn Spanish the natural way, through hearing, doing, repeating and playing.

Altogether, the exposure to a second language, motivational and fun learning

Activities will aim to discover his/her linguistic abilities, develop his/her cognitive capabilities, and aim for the development of the whole child.

Charges Tuition: 300.00 a month *10 (months)= 3,000 
Uniforms: 45.00 a set (shirt and pants)
Lunch is not provided, nor snacks.

Chicos Felices - Nassau - Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2015, from

Part 2:
ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development. 

Once on the page you are greeted with "Early Experiences matter" the website has much to offer including easy to read wording, pictures of children, Resources for teachers, and parents. I observed training opportunities to sign up for. Lastly, the site provided an opportunity for it's views to find out updated information happening worldwide as well in their communities. 



  1. Ebony, I assume that you have not been able to establish any contact, i have not as well although, I have tried contacting about 6 UNICEF committee. I hope to hear from them very soon. I also chose Zero To Three and I have found very interesting information on that site, also they have been very responsive and has so far provided me with some insightful information. I hope to find the site helpful.

  2. Ebony,

    When you find the information out on Chicos Felices, I would like to know about it as well. I sounds interesting and I would love to know how you feel about your findings. I unfortunately have not been able to establish any contacts as well but I do receive newsletters from Zero To Three which are interesting facts about children and how to care for them and the trends. I hope that this contact information become less challenging to obtain. Thanks for the insights and I hope you find what you are looking for.

