Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Practicing Awareness of Microagressions

As a sales associate at Bath and Body Works, I have the opportunity to meet and greet many people some nice and other not so nice. In reflecting for the assignment of an example of Microagression I can recall a time I was at the register ringing a customers purchase and a man came up near the woman I was ringing up and she immediately grabbed hold to her purse and proceeded to look over her shoulder at the man. The man began shaking his head as if he was in disbelief and looked to me for validation that the woman was clearly overreacting and being dramatic. In watching the display unfold in front of me I felt angered by what happened to the man. I remember thinking she didn't know him, nor did she have a reason to grab hold of her bag tightly and preceded to look over her shoulder.  This was a reminder of how cruel people can be to each other; and maybe the woman felt threatened, we will never know however I can conclude that the man who I rang up next noted to me she made him feel beneath her by her grabbing for her purse to pull it in closer to her; and that he was a small business owner of a hat store in the mall and was just trying to drop off some coupons. 


  1. Ebony,

    Wow! What a story! That is amazing, although I have experienced things like that as well. I like that you talked about the woman's perspective also. I was thinking while I was reading it that maybe the way the man approached brought up something in her that she instinctively reacted to. Although I still feel for the man. I think that is why we need a lot of grace for people regardless of their reaction. Sometimes people are hurting or have been hurt and they do not know they are being this way, which I am sure you know since you mentioned it too.

    Great example!
    Cortnee :)

  2. Ebony
    I can believe that, people perceive others to be someone they're not based on their outside appearance. Prejudging need to be a thing of the past so that everyone can feel as important as the next person. Microaggression is easily displayed because people generally say what's on their mind instead of thinking before they speak.
