Saturday, December 22, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

  • One hope that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds (any format and any length) My personal hope for children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that they use there differences in language, tradition, and culture to an advantage to themselves, by educating those around them. I'd like to see both student and parents not becoming victims and or prisoners to values that aren't there own, rather they be able to celebrate a culture that has meaning to them. 
  • One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice (any format and any length) I believe establishing diversity courses at every level professionally is beneficially to staff everywhere. Parents are able to be impacted by the knowledge learned by staff from workshops, meetings and engagement with other co workers.
  • A brief note of thanks to your colleagues Thank you all for the constant encouragement during this course i wish you all a relaxing winter break and that you all come back well rested.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Welcoming families around the world

  • The name of “your” family’s country of origin
My family’s country of origin is the United States
  • At least five ways in which you will prepare yourself to be culturally responsive towards this family
  1. I accept that children bring knowledge to the classroom shaped by family, cultural histories, and communities.
  2. As a teacher I can adapt an understanding and empathy for the real lived experiences of children entering my classes.
  3. I will provide opportunities for families to feel included, accepted and apart which offer options for grand parents to read stories or sing songs in the classroom.
  4. I need to begin with me transforming myself to transform my students and those around me.
  5. I believe it’s important to not allow my own prejudices, biases and assumptions inform my teaching and interactions with students.
  • A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations will benefit both you and the family.
My acknowledgement of knowing children bring many qualities and positive attributes to classrooms offer the group expanding resources and their own uniqueness. Education comes in all forms and children sometimes
In light of the most recent events with the Connecticut shooting all hearts are feeling this pain of those lost, many have come and joined forces to comfort the families and students affected. Religion, nor race, or family class is a factor at this moment just pure human nature of feelings and empathy of knowing it could have been one of our children or us as teachers.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

  • What memory do you have of an incident when you experienced bias, prejudice, and/or oppression, or witnessed someone else as the target of bias, prejudice, and/or oppression? Keep in mind that one can encounter such incidents in real contexts, including online environments, as well as in fictional ones, such as movies, books, television shows, and the like.
There was an incident in which a woman was speaking to me and admiring what I was wearing, we engaged and I gave my casualties in which I thank her for the complement like any one else would, the lady continued on to tell me my color choice worked well together and in her words for me being so dark I wore the colors well.
  • In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice and/or oppression in that incident diminish equity?
This particular situation brought up feelings of my childhood and how I was bullied and made fun of because of how dark in complexion my skin was to everyone else. As a child I didn’t appreciate the beauty of the glow my skin gave off or the uniqueness in knowing not everyone has the ability to say that.
  • What feelings did this incident bring up for you?
In listening to the woman I could feel after giving her comment I was angry because I felt like she was speaking ignorantly, and I questioned why she couldn’t just leave her comment at complementing what I was wearing. I know she had no idea of the affects of what her remark did and or how it made me feel. I simply stated to her I love all colors and walked away. Removing myself from that situation felt like the best thing to do at that moment.
  • What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this incident into an opportunity for greater equity?
I could potentially have gone back and forth with the woman which could have lead into an unwanted argument.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Practicing Awareness of Microagressions

As a sales associate at Bath and Body Works, I have the opportunity to meet and greet many people some nice and other not so nice. In reflecting for the assignment of an example of Microagression I can recall a time I was at the register ringing a customers purchase and a man came up near the woman I was ringing up and she immediately grabbed hold to her purse and proceeded to look over her shoulder at the man. The man began shaking his head as if he was in disbelief and looked to me for validation that the woman was clearly overreacting and being dramatic. In watching the display unfold in front of me I felt angered by what happened to the man. I remember thinking she didn't know him, nor did she have a reason to grab hold of her bag tightly and preceded to look over her shoulder.  This was a reminder of how cruel people can be to each other; and maybe the woman felt threatened, we will never know however I can conclude that the man who I rang up next noted to me she made him feel beneath her by her grabbing for her purse to pull it in closer to her; and that he was a small business owner of a hat store in the mall and was just trying to drop off some coupons. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

age: 24
" Culture is a combination of your religous and moral beliefs and your traditions".
"Diversity, is the inclusion of all people regardless of race, color, gender, sexual orientation or disability. The inclusion of all people regardless of difference".

" Diversity is understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences."
"Culture is your morals and values"

age: 24
"It's like looking at a box of crayons and seeing how culturally diverse the box is with all the different colors". "The individuals we serve, the various disabilities, are representative of the children in the classes"

In listening to my friends give their responses I was able to reflect on how each of them stated someone important which ties into what culture and diversity truly encompass. It's one's individual uniqueness and how he or she is able to foster that into something greater, whether it be in style with fashion, or distinction in cooking that makes us who we are. Derman, Sparks,& Edwards (2010) Gender roles, language of cultural backgrounds are what make up dynamics of a person existence.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Family Culture

In the event I was relocated into another area in which I was not familiar with and placed me out of my comfort zone items that I hold near and dear to my heart consists of my bible, picture album, and my grandmothers recipes. These items hold significant importance to me and my culture because the bible is where I can seek solis, guidance, and comfort. My family has always stressed the importance of knowing where and how to seek what you need form it, whether it be for healing such as  Isaiah 41:10 " Fear  thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with he right hand of my righteousness. My picture album contains many of my most fondest memories of times in my life which range from childhood performances, and or relatives. I enjoy being able to reflect back those times and experiences through flipping through a couple of pictures. Parveen Sharma once said "Good photographs are taken not with the camera. Good photographs are taken with Mind, Soul, Eyes, and Imagination where Eyes like a shutter, Mind like a lens, Imagination like an object and Soul like a canvas.” Lastly, one thing that is very important to me are my grandmothers recipes, she has passed them down from her mother and her mother before her, I can remember the experiences of being a child and helping Nana prepare the meals, the family would agree the food was so delicious and make comments that "She put her foot in it" which means she cooked very well. The recipes are extremely important to me now because Nana is no longer with us and her memory holds strong within the recipes she prepared for us out of love. 
In the event of me having to leave two of the three items behind I would not bring my album, and grandmothers recipes, its challenging to leave these items behind however there imbed into my head and in remising with my siblings would help me to remember images of family members and ingredients for the dishes. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Getting to know internal contacts part 3

 week 7

I have yet to make any sort of contact with my international contacts. I check my email frequently to see if anyone has had an opportunity to make a connection therefore I will be reporting about the UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education” webpage (

There were various articles that aided to the descriptions of education across the world. Some that I took particular interest in were how to apply for regional diplomas in Latin America and Africa. Once accepted the program is conducted on a part-time basis, including a two-week intensive session in which participants’ attendance is required, as well as distance learning activities within a timeframe of 30 weeks. In order for us to advance as a whole we must seek ways to improve personally and professionally.

Another included source of information included a newsletter which is published three times a year, the IIEP Newsletter keeps readers informed of current trends in educational planning and IIEP activities. It allows them to update their planning skills and management techniques, but also to stay informed on major issues facing education systems. The IIEP Newsletter is produced in printed and electronic formats, and in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Russian.

Lastly, cultural diversity and the bond or mending information from place to place about the various native is rewarding because one can create partnerships and expand on knowledge acquired. The scale and diversity of mobile learning projects in the United Kingdom and Denmark indicate that sustained government investment is necessary to roll out large projects which effectively use mobile phones for learning. Secondary school teachers in Europe, beyond using mobile phones to enrich the delivery of education, have recently begun asking students to practice technical and critical thinking skills by designing their own mobile applications. Living with diversity, how to tackle racism and the importance of youth involvement were topics young people in the USA and Brazil raised with UNESCO’s Director-General and experts on January 18 at UNESCO Headquarters via a live video conference.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Getting to know international contacts part 2

Harvard University’s “Global Children’s Initiative” website ( has revealed many informative facts about children/childcare systems around the world. Malaria is a disease passed through the blood. It is caused by a parasite. The parasite is typically passed to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Things to increase ones chances of infestation include Failing to use DEET-containing insect repellents when outdoors. Failing to use mosquito netting (especially netting treated with permethrin) while sleeping, and failing to use medicines to prevent malaria infection. The effects of early childhood on the children of Zambia has had its impact, so much so their is an ongoing anti malaria initiative on children's development in Zambia.

Translation videos are available in Spanish and support to fund these efforts come from World Bank.

Lastly the developing child site has ways in which individuals are to sign up on the mailing list and potentially view past newsletters that were published.  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

Making vulnerable infants and toddlers a priority and ensures that the knowledge derived from the science of Early Childhood development is reflected in the policies and programs for young children.
The Early Head Start program is of particular interest to me because I work for one. I am constantly seeking opportunities to gather new information to share with colleagues and families being serviced at the center.

It was back in the 90's that the Early Head Start programs were funded and established. These programs provided opportunities for families to receive medical treatment, mental health, early intervention, parent support, and prenatal health support. The article shared that despite difficult economic times, 23 states have
at least one initiative that builds on the federally funded EHS program.

The federal Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Visiting  program  (MIECV) was authorized by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010. It provides $1.5 billion over five years to states and territories to improve the health and development outcomes of at-risk children through evidence based home visiting programs.

references: Zero to Three retrieved from

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

The organization I selected to share information about was Zero to Three
ZERO TO THREE is a national, nonprofit organization that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers. Their mission is to promote the health and development of infants and toddlers. (Zero to three, 2012)
I particularly like the podcast that were available on the website. It was easy to navigate and they were
informative. The particular podcast that I listened too was based on a survey to various parents, which
questioned how young children developed and whether they had self-control.  What does it look like
when a child doesn’t have it (self-control)…  young children shouldn’t have to have the ability to use
strategies to use appropriate behavior… for example to throw a ball at mommy in the park but knowing
it is unacceptable to throw a ball at someone who is not participating in the game at the age of one to
two years old. Those concrete understandings have yet to be cemented into their brains. 43% of
parents believe by age 3 children should be  able to control their emotions and not have tantrums,
however we have to focus parents inappropriate discipline techniques with expectations of  the child
and their age, and gear them to the appropriate age driven ways of adapting to young children.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

E stablishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

The website selected was
Having recently taken a trip to Jamica I was intrigued about the culture and educational system. I found information on the UNICEF site which expanded my knowledge on recent topics that affect the citizens of the country.

Establishing contacts with Early Childhood professional was no easy task. I email 5 different countries in hopes of hearing something back.One down fall was there wasn't any 1800 numbers listed and trying to make the actual phone calls and in the event someone answers oh boy I'd hate to see that phone bill...

I also selected for my early childhood resource the website Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. This is so resourcefull and has loads of valuable information that can be used to educate parents, coworkers, and self most importantly. I found this site easy to navigate and full of fun. As I thumbed through the site I came across an article so fitting because grandsparents day is september 9 entitled In your lap, In your heart. It offer grandparts tools of how to bond with their grandchild.  

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Research Around the World

  • What are some of the current international research topics?Early Childhood Australia is continuously monitoring the news for information concerning the well being and development of young children. ( Early Childhood Austria, 2012) Research is performed on the local, state, and national levels including information about child detention. Child detention has lasting, harmful effects on children of Australia. I believe detention of children needs to immediately be a major topic of concern and needs to be rectified because it is inhumane and traumatizing, there should be other options available and implemented. Imagine a child fleeing war, poverty, and or abuse and being punished and convicted like a criminal. The children are often alone, and separated from caregivers and left vulnerable to sexual abuse.

  • What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?
Something I found interesting about Australia was Families living on remote, isolated farms and stations usually rely on distance education for their children’s preschool and early schooling.

  • What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
The membership section informs people by holding membership that they can qualify for a tax deduction for Early Childhood Professionals and students working in the early childhood field in Australia that is surly and added benefit Iam sure many are excited about receiving once membership has been acquired. 

Website chosen:

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Personal Research Journey

I believe his infatuation with trains’ ties into his mind resembling a speeding train.
My nephew is five years old and is an absolute joy to be around. He’s creative, intelligent, funny and innovative. In reading articles online about children and being diagnosed with ADHD and steps following such as medication has intrigued me the most. I guess being an Educator I want to know and understand what other options are available in the event medication will not be a consideration.

I’ve gained a new found respect for parents and primary care givers who work alongside their children or care for someone else’s child with ADHD because It takes extreme patience, understanding, and planning to come up with ways to cop and manage the behaviors associated with the disorder.
In sharing the information with my sister about my nephew and his diagnoses, some that has served me as helpful has been  Journal of attention disorders( Toronto; North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems Inc., 1996); Attention Magazine (Plantation(Fla): C.H.A.D.D., 1994) Attention Magazine! ( http:// www.
My wish for my sister is to be a better parent and equip herself with the tools to see that my nephew is grounded and surpassing any and all restrictions placed upon him.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

Three things that I learned and carried away from the  Early Childhood Care and Education” webpage (,

1.      The six education goals geared toward the learning and advancement of young children and adults. 

Goal 1
Expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children

Goal 2
Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality.

Goal 3
Ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes

Goal 4
Achieving a 50 per cent improvement in levels of adult literacy by 2015, especially for women, and equitable access to basic and continuing education for all adults.

Goal 5
Eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality.

Goal 6
Improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills

2.      In order to increase educational advances for it’s communities, the World Forum wants to eliminate the gaps in funding. This goal will be achieved through expanding resource opportunities, and aligning aids already in the circuit to encourage new donors.

3.      Continual monitoring and evaluation will assist in strengthening the goals of achieving educational and financial progression. 

      One of my goals consist of working in a position to aid children that were or are victims of abuse. I believe seeking out resources such as support groups will enable and strengthen the child to feel comfortable about his or her self and eventually be a voice unto someone else.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Getting to know your International contacts pt2

The Global Children’s initiative was established six years ago on behalf of children everywhere that they may be given the opportunity to grow up to live long, lasting, productive lives; without the fear of succumbing  to preventable issues relating to lack of proper healthcare, poor nutrition, and lack of finances. Things that I learned about the organization expounded my knowledge of knowing this organization realizes the deficits lay within all communities; not limiting resources to just the poor yet spreading awareness to the rich as well. The strategic areas of “reframing the discourse around child health and development in the global policy arena by educating high-level decision-makers about the underlying science of learning, behavior, and health, beginning in the earliest years of life; supporting innovative, multi-disciplinary research and demonstration projects to expand global understanding of how healthy development happens, how it can be derailed, and how to get it back on track; and building leadership capacity in child development research and policy—focused on both individuals and institutions—in low- and middle-income countries to increase the number and influence of diverse voices and perspectives that are contributing to the growing global movement on behalf of young children” will offer a wider umbrella of support to engage and tackle the battle of providing such basic resources to those in need.  Lastly, Sharing the renowned work of the organization though pictures, and media has potential to engage our natives and natives of other countries to entice and eventually engulf the viewer’s time, talents and money into supporting the cause.
Reference: Center on the Developing Child Harvard University retrieved from, www.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sharing Web Resouces

International Child Care
Website address: www.
Location focus: Haiti

Theme:  Health and wholeness for children and families in empowered communities
About organizations: A couple selflessly gave what they had in Indiana to move to Haiti to offer their assistance in caring for children and families with “a variety of community-based health services, and their focus has shifted toward preventative care, health education, and other projects that target the root causes of sickness and suffering”.

Something that stood out from website:

With mother’s day approaching for us here in the states and the slew of people rushing out to stores to gather items to give to their mothers, aunts, sisters, or love ones whom had a major impact within their life by showing appreciation.
In Haiti Mother’s Day is celebrated at the end of the month, in fact it’s the last Sunday of May.  People celebrate by wearing a flower to honor their mother on Mother’s day.  “Haitians wear a red flower to honor their mother if she is living and either purple or white to honor a mother that has passed. Vintage Flower Farm is selling flower brooches in this Haitian tradition. In the center of the brooch sits a pearl because Haiti is considered the "Pearl of the Antilles." Boutonnieres are customary for the boys”.

Focus of the week:  
In discussing the changing demographics and diversity in children in this week’s discussion helped me to
make the association that people everywhere need to bond together and utilize strengths of one area to
combat weaknesses in another.  All children regardless of location, race, and or sex deserve
opportunities to demonstrate all that they can be, without having to struggle with basic preventable
health problems.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Supports

Larry and I

For my example of a support I choose to reflect on my boyfriend Larry. He is a major support to me in all realms; whether it is a trying time were facing or an exciting one. As time goes on we have continued to grow within one another. We communicate openly to each other and respect each other to the utmost highest degree.  He's there for me when I need him, and when I want to be stubborn and often time wrong about something he allows me to argue my side while lovingly saying Eb your wrong. He’s been a major support of mine when it came to me going back to school, burning the midnight oil with me doing assignments or listening to me rant about things happening at work. I can’t imagine things being any different between the two of us.

A challenge I would have with one of my supports would be if I  lost of my job. I depend solely on my income for finance to do the things I needs as well as the things I like; such as pay bills which provide me with housing, food and vehicle to drive to get back and forth to work;my non necessities of getting my nails done, and shopping as much as I do would definitely have to be scaled down. My daily environment would be changed and allocations of funds would need to be redirected else where.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Childhood Connections to Play

"It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them." Leo Buscaglia

"Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn't taste good" Lucia Capocchione

easy-bake-oven.jpg Easy Bake Oven 

lens14716461_1288049903baby-alive-learns-to-pott.jpg Baby Alive 

As a child I can remember wanting to play outside allay long rain or shine. We were never bored,each day proved for new adventures and things to get into. Growing up with 3 siblings, cousins and tons of neighbors aided us in having plenty of people to play with. We used nature as our instruments, the block we lived on was our back yard. Creating muddies and riding bike and goat carts were some of my favorite past times. I can recall learning some of my best lessons in life playing, when the street light came on that told us it was time to retire home; and once inside I remember my mom would always say you smell like the outdoors. The parents of the children I hung around were very supportive of our overall learning teaching us math through cooking, reading during our special "outdoor" movie shows. It was simply the best, some days reflecting back on my childhood makes me miss it. The issues children face today, such as the increase in technological advances makes it a little difficult and more enticing to be inside than outdoors, fears of children being kidnapped, and or assaulted. I'm sure these issues were relevant when I was a child in the back of my parents minds however we weren't stressed with those we simply enjoyed ourselves and left the worrying to our parents. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are what make us. They help us to create bonds with individuals and they help us build trust and develop the roles of people in your life. They shape and mode who you can be with that person. When the factors that serve to be most important are broken we have to learn to rebuild. Sometimes it's easier to be said then done, but if it's truly important those involved will fine ways to reconnect. My relationships I have encountered have aided my growth into adulthood and have softened my heart to believe in second chances, we don't always get things right the first time and sometimes it's simply takes a do over to be successful.


My Grandmother and I @ graduation May 2011
This picture is very special to me, because it is the last picture she and I took together. My grandmother passed away seven months later. She was very important to me and a huge influence in my life. One of my biggest fans and supporters. She was so proud that I decided to go away to college and follow my dreams and teach young children. In some small way I believe she felt like i was living out some of her dreams.  I am often reflective of her and all she's taught me about life, love of family, and cooking. "you may not always get along with them(family) but you have to just love them" Some how any issue could be solved through a warm plate and hug.  


My parents
This is a picture of myself, mom, and dad at college graduation.
Although growing up my parents did not live together. I was able to be surrounded by unconditional love. My mother has embodied all the characteristics of a woman that I continue to strive to be. She's strong in her abilities to overcome hardships and adversity. Never one to do things for the attention and or recognition of other; yet has a unbelievable passion for people and those she encounters. Our relationship is that of a positive one, we communicate often about me being younger. I love how our conversations have evolved to accommodate my being older.  My father, our relationship hasn't always been a positive one. There was distance in between us for a long time, and some unresolved feelings of anger and trust plagued us. However, time was simply the best thing that happened for us; it allowed maturity to set in and communication to unfold which things aren't always perfect but i've learned to forgive and give people a chance.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

When I think about Child Development

" Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate."-Anonymous

" I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams!"- David Vitter, U.S. Senator

I believe a child is truly worth investing our time, talent, and resources into; because it is within a child potential and the constant possiobility of what if always reins. It's been quite frequently that I've run into the kindergartners that I student taught and it's always amazing
To see how talll and mature they all have become. I love being able to impact upon someones life and see the results of it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Testing for Intelligence?

Considering a commitment to viewing young children holistically (i.e., a commitment to “the whole child”), what, if anything, do you believe should be measured or assessed? Explain your reasoning.  
I believe Assessment should bring about benefits for children. Gathering accurate information from young children is difficult and potentially stressful. Assessments must have a clear benefit—either in direct services to the child or in improved quality of educational programs. All of your assessment decisions taken as a whole will direct and alter children’s learning outcomes. Both teachers and parents should be on one accord to gathering the information to best evaluate the child.
In what ways are school-age children assessed in other parts of the world? (Choose a country or region of the world for which you have a personal affinity.) All countries vary In how they assess children. Brazil, England, and Japan, for instance, conduct national-level tests, but each country does so for different reasons: Brazil for state-by-state comparisons and program evaluation, England for school accountability, and Japan for college entry. All but one country have regional tests, which differ from one jurisdiction to the next.
What additional ideas, comments, suggestions, examples, and/or concerns related to assessing young children would you like to share with your colleagues? I was able to find information on how the Czech Republic is unique among eight countries in using only oral examinations. 
Student assessment in eight countries retrieved from retrieved on February 11,2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Consequences of stress on Children's Development

It was Herbert Ward who once stated, “Child abuse casts a shadow the length of a lifetime.” In reflecting about the terms child abuse it is the harm or mishandling of a person ages birth through adolescents. Each State provides its own definitions of child abuse and neglect based on minimum standards set by Federal law.

According to the Child Welfare Information Getaway Child Abuse and Neglect is defined in Federal Law through “Federal legislation which lays the groundwork for States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), (42 U.S.C.A. §5106g), as amended by the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003”.

“Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm. Most Federal and State child protection laws primarily refer to cases of harm to a child caused by parents or other caregivers; they generally do not include harm caused by other people, such as acquaintances or strangers.

High profile cases of child abuse reported such as Debra Luptak and younger sister Danielle Luptak were routinely brutalized, physically and emotionally on a daily basis. They were physically malnourished and beaten, emotionally and cognitively stunted, and completely without any nurturing or schooling. They were caged both physically in a closet and later in a basement, and mentally with pharmaceutical drugs and strong adult sedatives, they learned to survive.


“Physical abuse in Chinese families had increased over the course of the years. The highest rate of serve violence occurred among boys or children aged 3-6 years old; and were committed by mothers. When compared to U.S. families, Chinese families showed lower rates of minor violence but higher rates of serve violence towards children” (Tang 1998)

The China Post reports in TAIPEI, Taiwan cases of child abuse increased by about 30 percent between
2005 and 2009, according to statistics from the government and the Taiwan Fund for Children and
Families (TFCF) , a fund executive said yesterday, ahead of the April 4 Children's Da

The number of child abuse cases reached 13,400 in 2009, 35 percent more than in 2005. Most victims were elementary school children improperly disciplined by their parents, TFCF CEO Wang Ming ren said, citing statistics compiled by the Ministry of the Interior

Evidence showed that parents torn between the demands of the workplace and the family tended to be rougher when disciplining young children.
Pointing to a recent criminal case in which a girl in Pingtung County is suspected of colluding with her boyfriend to murder her father after being subject to long-term abuse, Wang said that if police and social services groups could have intervened earlier, the tragedy could have been prevented. There are many parenting problems involved in child abuse cases, such as lack of parenting skills, negligence and overly strict parenting,

He also said “parents who are inclined to improperly discipline their children are often overly demanding, alcoholic or have anger management problems”


Retrieved on January 28, 2012 from on January 28, 2012 from Catherine So-kum Tang

Retrieved on January 28, 2012 from

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Child Development and Public Health

Breast Feeding in India

"If a multinational company developed a product that was a nutritionally balanced and delicious food, a wonder drug that both prevented and treated disease, cost almost nothing to produce and could be delivered in quantities controlled by the consumers' needs, the very announcement of their find would send their shares rocketing to the top of the stock market. The scientists who developed the product would win prizes and the wealth and influence of everyone involved would increase dramatically. Women have been producing such a miraculous substance, breast milk, since the beginning of human existence..."
-- Gabrielle Palmer, in The Politics of Breastfeeding, London: Pandora Press, 1988, page 1.

In some places in India, when it comes to health it is here that they hold the highest infant mortality rate, high levels of under nutrition and very poor childcare. There are about 30,000 children born per year, health status for children under two was the worse than any other district. Infant feeding practices were very poor. Women who were dominated by their mother in laws to practice the Orthodox beliefs of not feeding the child within an hour after birth, giving the child honey after birth which we know has a bacteria in it that infants can't digest, and there was no exclusive breast feeding after birth for six months. At first It was challenging to reach out to lactating mothers to convince them what was right for the health of their babies.

 The community has grown and women are eager to seek information and are a lot more open to following scientific practices instead of conventional beliefs. Statistics have shown an increase and growth in indicators. Initiation of breast feeding within one hour of birth has grown from 39 to 72 percent in a three year time frame. Today women are following through with the change. The dominating force behind it is the "baby friendly community health initiative" (BFCHI Project) which collaborates with  pediatrics and
focus was to promote infant feeding practices concerning infants and young children. This was executed through counseling of expectant mothers and training.

Breast feeding has many benefits. Many will agree breast feeding is great for the baby but has wonderful  has impacts on mothers, babies and society. Moms who breast feed have many benefits such as a reduction in ovarian cancer, helps develop special and emotional relationships with child. In babies breast milk provides children with the best nutritional mix possible, and it protects against upset stomachs and diarrhea. Lastly, its effects on the environment are rewarding as well having healthier moms and babies reduces visits to the doctor and increased medical bills.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

birthing in the UK

Woman gives birth on pavement 'after being refused ambulance'

Birthing in the UK VS US

I've found some similarities and differences between having babies in the US vs. UK

gas and air, pethidine and epidural used as a pain reliever
Dads are not allowed to stay at hospital with more
women are allowed to leave the hospital after six hours of having the baby if it's a normal delivery
Majority of the births are preformed by midwives
C-sections are only preformed in the case of emergency
There isn't a nursery in the hospital the children stay with their parent 

Hospital stays are usually 2-3 days
Husbands are able to stay overnight
C-Sections can be preferred
Child gains Citizenship at birth
Care in hospitals can be superb 

Birthing Experience

I have not had any birthing experiences of my own, however I enjoying watching the birthing television shows. Some of my favorites are a baby story which airs on TLC, Teen Mom, MTV and lastly, "I didn't know I was pregnant". Of these shows I will share an experience I enjoyed viewing; its from the show A baby story in which the Tambane family's experience is being narrated. The Tambane's are a fun, loving, energetic family who live in New Jersey, this is their second pregnancy, the first resulted in the birth of a baby boy whom at the time of the show was four years old his name is Zachery. The family is expecting a little girl in which they will name Isabella. I've gathered from watching the video segment  the Tambane family enjoys outings around New York City; including both grandma's as well. Parents, Lou is a graphic designer and Louisa is a preschool teacher. The pregnancy has been a normal one, Louisa began experiencing pimples all over her face early on in the pregnancy and it began to get worse towards the end.
The birth
Louisa began feeling contractions she and her husband made their way to the hospital they stayed over night. Around 12 noon the next day the doctors came in to check her and she was 3 cementers dilated. After her water broke the pain from the contraction began to get stronger. The doctors suggested she get an epidural to ease the pain from her contractions. The anesthesiologist Dr. Aberpach administered a long needle into Lousia spine within minutes she could feel the medicine working. As the epidural began to ware off Lousia's contractions began to become painful again, the nurses checked her progress and determined she was fully dilated which means she was ready to push.  After countless attempts at pushing Louisa's baby girl finally appeared weighing in at 9lbs 8 oz and 21 inches born at 4:02 pm. They named her Isabella Maria. Life with Isabella has been great; she has added to our family and help me to feel more like a complete family says Lou. Zachery loves giving his baby sister kisses.